Make the canberra region your home

Queanbeyan ,Bungendore & Braidwood

Affordable Lifestyle

No matter your stage in life, we offer an affordable lifestyle with house prices 16.7% below the median NSW price.

SOURCE: ID - the population experts

Proximity to Canberra

The best of Canberra’s shopping, lifestyle, education and employment opportunities are all nearby - just ten minutes from Queanbeyan.

World class education

With world-leading universities and research institutes, the Canberra Region is gearing up for a big future.

Career Opportunities

Whether working locally or in Canberra's extensive public service and private sector, our residents have a choice of career paths before them.

Creative Community

A strong creative community has resulted in an exciting, vibrant arts scene that brings culture, colour and celebration to our region, all year round.


In bungendore, braidwood, queanbeyan and surrounds

Just minutes from Canberra, Queanbeyan-Palerang is the heart and soul of the Canberra Region. A diverse patchwork of city, suburban and rural living, each location offers a unique lifestyle and the perfect place to make your next home.

Whether you’re looking to work in the public or private sector, this region offers a multitude of career opportunities for everyone. With access to quality healthcare, world-class education and a thriving business community, you’ll find the perfect job that suits your skills and ambitions and a welcoming, exciting and diverse lifestyle.

From our vast landscapes and historic towns, through to new suburban developments in Googong and South Jerrabomberra, there is something for everyone in Queanbeyan-Palerang.

Location Map
International routes currently suspended due to COVID-19

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